DNA testing for longevity and disease prevention
Uncover your genetic blueprint through DNA analysis
Discover your genetic potential with our tests
Predicting predisposition to Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease
Determining your physical advantages
"We find out too late about diseases, we don't discover our talents on time."
The idea of In Genes was born out of a desire to overcome the most significant problem almost all of us face - lack of time. We need to be able to diagnose diseases on time or discover the most prominent talents. Thanks to the rapid advances in science and technological possibilities, we can prevent our bodies from being predisposed to Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, prevent other rare diseases (Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, and others), and learn about hidden talents.
In Genes is the first EU-licensed Laboratory run by a medical geneticist, Ph.D. candidate Austėja Letukienė.
Once we test the sample, a programmer and data analyst will further verify the results. For this reason, there is no doubt about the test's quality, professionalism, and 99.9% accuracy.
How to order?
Register at www.ingenes.lt (or contact us at the email address below)
The testing pack will arrive at your house OR your chosen medical center
The sample is sent to a laboratory for DNA testing
Detailed results in 3-6 weeks
Why In Genes?
FAST. Only takes 30 seconds
IN-DEPTH. An easy-to-read genetic report and a free geneticist consultation with further recommendations
NEW and INTERNATIONAL. The only laboratory in Lithuania performing this type of genetic testing, accepting samples from all over the world
SIMPLE. Saliva sample - no needles needed
About us in media
Lietuvė mokslininkė pasiūlė netikėtą būdą, kaip nustatyti Alzheimerio ar Parkinsono ligos riziką
Lietuviškas startuolis padės ligas diagnozuoti anksčiau
Lietuviškas startuolis padės ligas diagnozuoti anksčiau
„In Genes“ planuose – genetiniai tyrimai prieinami kiekvienam
Lietuvos sveikata
LNK žinios
Vilniečiai sukūrė unikalią technologiją, kuri leis ligas diagnozuoti anksčiau
Made in Vilnius
Lietuviškas startuolis padės ligas diagnozuoti anksčiau
Startuolis, padėsiantis ligas diagnozuoti anksčiau, kelionę pradėjo nuo preakceleratoriaus
Verslo Žinios
Lietuviškas startuolis padės ligas diagnozuoti anksčiau
Mokslo, inovacijų ir technologijų agentūra